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Simplify experimentation management with our Effective Experiments integration

June 7, 2024
Reading time: 
2 mins
headshot of Nicholas Bevilacqua
Nicholas Bevilacqua
Nicholas Bevilacqua is a Product Marketing Manager at Kameleoon, where he passionately communicates about Kameleoon's innovative features.

With our integration with Effective Experiments, Kameleoon users can now manage and execute experiments more efficiently. This integration adds the robust experiment management capabilities of Effective Experiments to Kameleoon to simplify experimentation workflows.

What is Effective Experiments?

Effective Experiments is a solution for tracking, managing, and scaling experimentation programs. Focused on Experimentation Ops, their comprehensive platform provides product leaders with a central hub for decision-making based on experimentation insights.

Effective Experiments is perfect for companies scaling experimentation across multiple product teams, offering better oversight and standardization.

Key features of Effective Experiments include centralized management of all research and testing activities, guidelines and governance enforcement, pre-built workflows for structured planning, and automated reporting for better visibility. 

Their platform also integrates with tools like Jira, Slack/Teams, and various testing platforms, covering all aspects of experimentation.

Real-time insights enable collaborative experimentation

By integrating with Effective Experiments, Kameleoon boosts the ability to execute and manage experiments, providing a complete solution for all your experimentation needs.

Key benefits of our Effective Experiments integration include:

Structures experimentation frameworks

This integration makes experiments more efficient and effective by combining Effective Experiments' management tools with Kameleoon’s testing capabilities. Users can easily track research insights, prioritize ideas, and develop detailed experiment plans with structured frameworks.

Optimizes experimentation workflows

The integration reduces manual data transfers by syncing experiment plans and results between Effective Experiments and Kameleoon. This automation simplifies workflows, saving time and reducing errors.

Improves team collaboration

Centralized experiment tracking and real-time data sharing foster collaboration between teams. This integration simplifies sharing results with stakeholders, ensuring everyone stays informed and can make decisions based on the latest data.

Provides real-time insights

With real-time insights, teams get immediate access to up-to-date results and automated reporting. This ensures data is always current, enabling quick and informed decisions. Automated reports and dashboards save time and improve visibility, allowing teams to focus on analyzing results and planning next steps instead of compiling data.

How to set up our Effective Experiments integration

Setting up the integration between Effective Experiments and Kameleoon is simple. With active accounts on both platforms, this integration is available at no extra cost with all Effective Experiments plans.

Here are the steps to setting up our Effective Experiments integration:

  1. Obtain your API key. Obtain an API key from your Kameleoon project. This key lets Effective Experiments communicate and sync data with Kameleoon. screenshot of api credentials on Kameleoon
  2. Update your integration settings on Effective Experiments. Navigate to the integration settings of your Effective Experiments account. Enter your Kameleoon API key. screenshot of integrations process within kameleoon
  3. Enable the Kameleoon integration. Once you've entered your API key in Effective Experiments, the integration can be enabled. screenshot of import process within kameleoon
  4. Begin syncing your data. Start syncing your experiment plans and results to keep data up-to-date and accessible on both platforms for better visibility.

Now that you've set up your Kameleoon integration with Effective Experiments, you can start optimizing your experimentation processes. This integration syncs research, ideation, test planning, and reporting across both platforms.

Start experimenting better today! Reach out to us for more information on this integration at [email protected] or request a demo here!

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headshot of Nicholas Bevilacqua
Nicholas Bevilacqua
Nicholas Bevilacqua is a Product Marketing Manager at Kameleoon, where he passionately communicates about Kameleoon's innovative features.