Kameleoon raises five million euros to strengthen its European leadership in AI-driven personalization
We are proud to announce our latest capital raise of five million euros. Thanks to our community of more than 500 customers in Europe – large companies operating in all sectors– Kameleoon has become the champion of artificial-intelligence-driven personalization technologies. We took this opportunity to ask our CEO, Jean-René Boidron, three questions to review Kameleoon’s trajectory since its creation and to find out what his plans are for the future!
What is Kameleoon’s mission today?
Jean-René Boidron: Since its creation, Kameleoon’s mission has been to help companies improve their conversion and engage consumers in the long term in the digital realm. This enables businesses to better understand the behavior of visitors along with their needs online, and to fulfil these in a personalized way, going as far as individualizing the relationship. To achieve this, we developed an artificial intelligence solution. The only one of its kind on the market, it measures the purchase intention of each visitor and individualizes the digital experience. It has been adopted by over 500 large companies from all sectors, such as Cdiscount, FNAC/Darty, OUI.sncf, Groupe BPCE, Auchan, Lidl, Michelin, Renault, Toyota and the Axel Springer group. These web players entrust us with the optimization of their digital experience (website, apps, etc.), to increase conversion rates (click-through rate, subscription rate, purchasing process, etc.) and generate incremental turnover on the web.Can you say a few words about Kameleeon’s trajectory until now?
Jean-René Boidron: When we launched Kameleoon in 2012, the market’s needs were focused on conversion optimization. Jean-Noël Rivasseau, our CTO and founder, built a feature-rich, easy-to-use A/B testing solution while already laying the foundations for a global personalization platform combining real-time use, robustness, high performance and security. Since then, our R&D team of more than 50 developers has launched a major innovation every two years on average. The quality of our platform and, in particular, our capacity to process visitor data in real time, paired with machine learning algorithms, enable us to anticipate the needs of marketing and e-commerce departments when it comes to digital customer journey personalization. Our platform’s success in Europe, and especially in the German market, shows that the solution is a good fit for our customers and meets the technical, functional and business requirements of the biggest European brands.This international growth continues and is even accelerating! How do you see the next three years?
Jean-René Boidron: After France, Germany, Russia and Italy, we are stepping up our development in Northern Europe and particularly in the United Kingdom. This new capital raise validates our perfectly controlled and virtuous development strategy. It will enable us to even more significantly strengthen our technological leadership in AI-driven personalization as well as our strategy for conquering the European markets. Today, AI supports brands’ business goals in the digital world by maximizing conversion and engagement, both of which create value for all companies. Combined with the expertise of our 130 employees, our solutions' depth of functionality and ease of use allow our customers, all leaders in their sectors, to generate incremental turnover while contributing to the success of their digital transformation strategies. I am delighted by this capital raise, which will enable our teams to step up the pace on all fronts and to boost the digital conversion of several hundred brands all over Europe. A challenge that we are ready and determined to take up!Topics covered by this article
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