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Track changes

The 12 Kameleoon days of Christmas: part 1

December 1, 2020
Reading time: 
3 min
fred de todaro headshot
Fred De Todaro
Fred is Kameleoon's Chief Product Officer and leads the company's A/B testing, feature management, and personalization product strategy. Leading product teams across Europe and North America, he regularly shares his advice on product trends in experimentation and how best to deploy Kameleoon technology.

At Kameleoon we believe in looking after our customers, particularly during the holiday season. So, over the next 12 days we’re going to run a series of blog posts that share some of the most powerful but unknown features of our personalization and experimentation platform. These are all designed to help save users time and make your life easier - once you’ve tried them you won’t look back. Think of it as an early Christmas present!

For day 1 we’re going to focus on how we make it easy to track changes on a page - a feature that makes it easier for large teams who work with Kameleoon.

1 Visualization of modified/tracked elements on a page

Particularly in larger organizations, keeping track of what has been changed on a page can be difficult. Different team members can be working individually on particular areas of a given experiment, making significant numbers of changes. This means it isn’t always easy to see what has been done using the history panel feature of the graphic editor, as it is time-consuming to look individually at each change to understand activities.

Track changes

You can overcome this challenge by ticking the Tracked elements and Edited elements boxes under the Display tab of the General set-up menu in the graphic editor:

Track changes

This adds this specific icon to every tracked item, enabling you to find them at a glance or make sure that the tracker has been set up.

Track changes icon

A new icon appears next to every element that is edited, allowing users to see where changes have been made.

Changes made icon


Track changes

The result is that any user can easily monitor tracked and edited items and see where changes have been made - whatever the number of experiments running or the size of the team. Find out more in our technical documentation here.

Download a guide to all 12 features by clicking on the banner or check out individual blogs through the listing below

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fred de todaro headshot
Fred De Todaro
Fred is Kameleoon's Chief Product Officer and leads the company's A/B testing, feature management, and personalization product strategy. Leading product teams across Europe and North America, he regularly shares his advice on product trends in experimentation and how best to deploy Kameleoon technology.