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Kameleoon Command Queue

[Product Release] Introducing: Kameleoon Command Queue for developers

March 24, 2020
Reading time: 
3 min
fred de todaro headshot
Fred De Todaro
Fred is Kameleoon's Chief Product Officer and leads the company's A/B testing, feature management, and personalization product strategy. Leading product teams across Europe and North America, he regularly shares his advice on product trends in experimentation and how best to deploy Kameleoon technology.

Our main focus at Kameleoon has always been to provide both the best, easiest to use interfaces for marketers and product owners and to deliver the most powerful tools for developers. Regularly adding new features is part of our commitment to creating a great developer experience. Recently we launched:

As of today, we are introducing Kameleoon Command Queue, new functionality for our client side and full stack customers.

Currently sending events such as custom goals or custom data to Kameleoon can be complex as developers must be sure that the Kameleoon engine has loaded before they call our APIs. For instance you might want to send events (such as an e-commerce transaction event) to Kameleoon from a Tag Management System or directly from the HTML page where you need to fire the event. To do so a developer will have to check for the actual presence of the Kameleoon API object and delay their code execution accordingly.

Kameleoon Command Queue improves that process. It is designed to be highly flexible to specific development needs by allowing delayed command execution. A Kameleoon Command Queue object is available so that instead of directly calling the Kameleoon Activation API, developers can now pass commands to this queue. If the Kameleoon engine is already loaded, the commands will be instantly executed, otherwise they will be queued to be executed once the engine is ready. It makes developers’ programming experience significantly easier and prevents any programming and tracking issues.

Kameleoon Command Queue

Full stack customers also benefit from Kameleoon Command Queue as it allows bridges with third-party analytics platforms to work as usual, even with server-side experimentation. As most web analytics platforms perform their tracking only on the front-end, Kameleoon Command Queue enables developers to build an experiment that will be registered both as a server-side and a classic client-side one, allowing the assigned variation to be sent to the analytics platform from the front-end.

Kameleoon Command Queue

3 benefits to implementing Kameleoon Command Queue:

  1. Build event tracking without friction. The new Kameleoon Command Queue lets you queue your events without having to check if the Kameleoon engine has loaded. It therefore greatly reduces programming errors.
  2. Send your events to Kameleoon from any external sources, such as your Tag Management System, where you already have an existing tagging plan. This ensures that Kameleoon events are sent at the exact same time as for your other analytics platforms.
  3. Build your experiments server-side and still track your results in your favorite analytics platform by having automatic server to front-end bridges.

Sending events to Kameleoon is now more flexible and easier than ever. You can read more at to get started.

Kameleoon Command Queue:
Linking server-side experiments with your analytics platform:

Topics covered by this article
fred de todaro headshot
Fred De Todaro
Fred is Kameleoon's Chief Product Officer and leads the company's A/B testing, feature management, and personalization product strategy. Leading product teams across Europe and North America, he regularly shares his advice on product trends in experimentation and how best to deploy Kameleoon technology.