Toyota turbocharges its lead generation with AI,
doubling its success!
The website receives 1.4 million visits per month. Visitors can configure a new vehicle to pick up at a dealership or purchase a used car and in-stock vehicles from their selected dealer.
Visiting a dealership remains a key step in the purchasing decision for Toyota customers. Therefore, Toyota must optimize the test drive request process to generate the maximum number of qualified leads in dealerships. These test drive requests should come from visitors who show strong signs of interest in the brand.

To encourage visitors to visit dealerships, Toyota displayed a test drive request pop-in, which was targeted based on manual scoring. While the initial results were promising, the brand noticed that although more leads were generated, they were not sufficiently high-quality.
In other words, many people who requested test drives did not show up for their appointments or did not purchase a vehicle afterward, making the operation unprofitable for the brand. Toyota therefore decided to implement AI Predictive Targeting to improve the accuracy of its test drive request targeting.

To begin, Kameleoon configured AI Predictive Targeting using a set of Toyota-defined criteria to identify visitors with a strong affinity for the brand. The goal was to display a personalized test drive request pop-in for each visitor, tailored to their behavior, journey, and location.
At this stage, the algorithm was running but not yet deployed on the live website. It continuously learned from visitor behavior, refining its predictive capabilities by identifying correlations that the human brain would not be able to detect. The algorithm reached stability by week ten.

Once the algorithm was deemed sufficiently effective, it was launched on the site. It displayed a pop-in only to visitors with a conversion probability above 52%.
This pop-in was fully personalized, featuring:
- An image of the vehicle that the visitor was most interested in.
- A recommended dealership nearby based on their geolocation.
Targeting happened in real time, meaning the pop-in could appear dynamically if a visitor's conversion intent increased during their browsing session.

Toyota doubles its #1 KPI with AI
Toyota now plans to explore new personalization strategies using AI Predictive Targeting to further accelerate visitor progression through the new vehicle purchase funnel.
Thanks to predictive targeting, Toyota not only doubled the number of leads generated, but also gained:
- Better customer insights – The AI continuously analyzes visitor data, allowing Toyota teams to deepen their understanding of their customers.
- Improved customer experience – High-potential buyers get faster access to a personalized test drive request, while less-engaged visitors are not interrupted by irrelevant pop-ups.
- Time savings – The machine learning algorithm continuously improves and adapts in real time, allowing Toyota teams to focus on other strategic projects.