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Training course: personalization & segmentation

This introductory course will teach you how to deliver personalized experiences to your visitors, segment your targets effectively and build a successful personalization strategy.
Formation Personnalisation & Segmentation


Introduction : l'essentiel à savoir avant débuter dans la personnalisation

Introduction: The 4 stages of successful personalization

Marketing personalization can be achieved in different ways and  affects many parts of the marketing mix as well as being handled differently depending on the type, size, challenges and experience of a company. However, regardless of the context, the same basic rules still apply, as this blog outlines.



Segmentation marketing : critères, méthodes, applications, et exemples

Marketing segmentation: criteria, methods, applications, and examples

Customer segmentation is a key part of your marketing strategy, especially when it comes to personalization. When you know your audience, you can deliver content, messages and offers that meet the exact needs of every visitor in that targeted segment. This article explains everything you need to know about marketing segmentation and how to use it effectively. 



Quelles différences entre personnalisation on-site manuelle et prédictive ?

What are the differences between manual and predictive on-site personalization?

There are two main ways of personalizing on-site marketing actions: manual personalization or predictive personalization. What are the differences between the two and which is best suited to your business challenges? Are they exclusive or complementary? Illustrated with relevant examples, this article aims to provide the answers..



Structurez une stratégie de personnalisation qui convertit

How to roll out your personalization experiments

To deploy a successful and large-scale online personalization strategy, you must adopt a strict method and framework. What steps do you need to take to deliver relevant personalized experiences aligned with your business objectives? 



Réussir sa stratégie omnicanal avec la personnalisation

Creating a winning omnichannel strategy with personalization

73%  of your customers now use multiple channels on their journey before finally converting. This means that to meet the ever-rising expectations of these omnichannel consumers and guarantee the same quality of experience on every channel, you must rethink your entire strategy. Embracing the latest AI-driven personalization technologies gives you the ability to deliver this omnichannel experience.



Comment associer Personnalisation et A/B testing pour augmenter son CA ?

How do you measure the success of a personalization campaign?

Creating and running a personalization strategy requires significant resources. That’s why it’s crucial to be able to measure the benefits your campaigns deliver. How do you track success? Which KPIs should you monitor? How do you calculate return on investment (ROI)?



Comment associer Personnalisation et A/B testing pour augmenter son CA ?

Combine personalization and A/B testing to increase your turnover

Given the related nature of A/B testing and personalization when should you favor one rather than the other? How can you effectively combine them? While your strategy depends on your goals, by using the two together you can maximize results. In this article, we explain how to significantly increase your revenues and margins by bringing personalization and A/B testing together.



L'A/B testing et la personnalisation dans un monde sans cookies : c'est possible.

Why Apple ITP is a threat for 30% of your traffic - how can you trust your future experimentation insights?

Consumers rightly want their personal online data to remain private. That’s why browsers are gradually introducing measures to protect users, such as Apple’s Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) within Safari. What is its impact on marketers and how can they still effectively run experiments with reliable results?



Comment choisir votre solution de personnalisation?

How to choose your personalization solution

Many tools exist to personalize the visitor experience and marketers may well struggle to choose the best solution for achieving their business goals. In this article, we provide key information to help you choose your future personalization technology partner.



Les arguments pour convaincre votre hiérarchie d'adopter la personnalisation

Pitching personalization to your boss

For your personalization strategy to succeed you need resources, time and a well-thought out plan, along with a dedicated team with the right skills. This article helps unlock the resources you need by providing you with the most persuasive arguments and strategy to use when pitching personalization to your managers.



Use case : 21 expériences personnalisées à mettre en place sur votre site

21 personalizations to implement on your website

It’s not always easy to come up with new optimization ideas to improve your website performance. To help, this article outlines 21 ideas for creating personalized experiences that will improve the browsing experience for visitors and allow you to deliver on your business objectives.. 




The complete guide to personalization

If you’ve been through our training course and would like to learn more then take a look at our complete guide to personalization. 


Through the in-depth guide you’ll discover how to successfully personalize your digital channels and deliver the benefits of an exceptional, individually tailored experience to all of your online visitors.



Success Story Personalization


generates 97% more leads thanks to predictive targeting
Illustration Rakuten
Success Story Personalization


converts 20% more clients thanks to contextual messages
Success Story Personalization


increases click-through rate by 89% thanks to personalization